1D RangeFinder - Camera calibration

from the repo: https://github.com/RiccardoGiubilato/1d-lidar-cam-calib View 1D range finder to camera calibration on File Exchange

Extrinsic calibration for a 1D lidar range finder (altimeter) and a monocular camera. Given a set of ranges and images of a planar target with a checkerboard printouts, the pipeline returns the 5DoF extrinsics between the laser altimeter and the camera (or the 6 coordinates of an oriented vector representing the measurement direction and origin of the range finder w.r.t the camera).


Just run the main.m script in the matlab/ folder. There are multiple ways to try the code out:

  • use the test images and range scans provided in the folders images/ and scans/ (camera parameters are cached in a .mat file, which can be loaded by setting the variable in line 16)
  • uncomment lines 34-40 in main.m to generate a randomized synthetic dataset


If you find this code useful for your projects/research, please cite the corresponding papers:

  • Giubilato, R. et al. “MiniVO: Minimalistic Range Enhanced Monocular System for Scale Correct Pose Estimation”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020
  • Giubilato, R. et al. “Scale Correct Monocular Visual Odometry Using a LiDAR Altimeter”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018
    author={R. {Giubilato} and S. {Chiodini} and M. {Pertile} and S. {Debei}},
    journal={IEEE Sensors Journal},
    title={MiniVO: Minimalistic Range Enhanced Monocular System for Scale Correct Pose Estimation},

    author={R. {Giubilato} and S. {Chiodini} and M. {Pertile} and S. {Debei}},
    booktitle={2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    title={Scale Correct Monocular Visual Odometry Using a LiDAR Altimeter},


Tested with Matlab 2018b. Earlier versions might be incompatible with plot/legend functions.